Guide to Amgros' Tendering site - JOINT NORDIC PROCUREMENT

We expect to publish the joint Nordic procurement by the end of March. To be able to bid on the tender, you will need a user account, which is why we publish the below guides to help you setting up a user account and how to navigate in Amgros’ tendering page. If you have previously bid on a tender on Amgros’ tendering page, you do not need to create a new account. You will be able to use your current user details for bidding on the joint Nordic procurement.

The joint Nordic procurement will be published on Amgros’ tendering page (   

Please find links to the guides below

1. Guide to setting up a user account – Amgros’ Tendering page Guide to setting up a user account.pdfGuide to setting up a user account.pdf

2. Guide to finding and opening a tender Guide to finding and opening a tender.pdfGuide to finding and opening a tender.pdf

3. User Manual - Tender submission Amgros I/S tendering page User Manual - Tender submission.pdfUser Manual - Tender submission.pdf